Ebike World

It Beggars Belief that e-bike manufacturers haven’t worked this out yet. 

Gee Dee 27/11/2023

When you put a 13-28 tooth freewheel on a 26 inch wheeled ebike the necessity for a throttle is pretty minimal, in fact, you pretty much don’t need one but ebike manufacturers fit them anyway and for some people they’ll come in handy. 

But here’s the thing, when you add that same freewheel to a 20 inch wheel it’s pretty much useless in higher gears. When I added an 11-34 freewheel to my Engwe Engine Pro although I had a habit of still using the throttle I didn’t really need it … even on steep hills. 

So, with this in mind why haven’t the ebike manufacturers out there taken this on board? Even new bikes coming out, why have they still not worked this out? I’ve emailed Engwe a few times about this and the only reply I got was that they have no plans on changing the design of their bikes. Which is ridiculous, it’s not a redesign it’s a parts change. 

If you’re scared of being caught in the U.K. or any country where throttled e-bikes are against the law, this is currently the next best thing to having a throttle … a properly geared ebike. 

For less than £30 and an hour or 2’s messing around it’s cheap and easy enough to do yourself (you may need to buy a split freewheel removal tool £30 if you don’t fancy knocking the motor through) but none of it is actually rocket surgery. 

It’s just another step towards making your ebike U.K. legal. 

What we need next as e-bike buyers.

By Gee Dee 15/11/2023

Let’s be honest … e-bikes are no longer in their infancy. So, within that, what as consumers do we need to see over the next couple of years from the designers and manufacturers? 
Let’s start with bikes built out of generic parts that are fully interchangeable. To be fair that’s pretty much the state of play now but the problems arise when say a controller fails and needs replacing. What if it was a simple swap out, easily identifiable wiring across the board, simple plug and play. Say you want a higher amp controller? No problem, plug and play.
What about the display? Same again, simple plug and play … programmable displays with Bluetooth so you can adjust every setting within parameters across the board from speed settings in each gear to power output and beyond.
While I’m at why not standardise connectors to Higo and XT for all Chinese manufacturers? 
What about motors? A simple plug and play motor that can be locked at 250w all the way up to 1500w and beyond.
How about manufacturers thinking slightly outside the box when it comes to the European throttle laws and developing a boost button to replace the standard throttle, a push of a button taking you from 0-5 mph until the PAS kicks in? This itself could be a game changer.
So, with the exception of the boost button what if I told you this all existed now and has done for a while? What if I told you to some extent it’s partly built into some of your Engwe e-bikes?
That motor used in most Engwe e-bikes is manufactured by a company called Sutto, a subsidiary of Bafang. The amount of plug and play stuff that’s available from Bafang is quite astounding and the majority is simply swap out and easily accessible plug and play.
Easily the most simple e-bike ecosystem out there and they’ve been around for a long time. Even an idiot can use this system (I’m living proof) and due to the fact that 99% of bike repair shops out there won’t touch Chinese import e-bikes it makes sense that they’re made so simple to repair with readily made parts available on Amazon for next day delivery.
So, Engwe, if you’re out there … listen to this, you need to simplify your systems to let owners repair there bikes without fear of breaking them. Some e-bike manufacturers are already embracing this but they tend to be more expensive but there’s no real reason why it can’t be done affordably.
People would be happy to pay a little more. 

MATE E-bikes is probably going to go tits up (and why this isn’t a bad thing)

by Gee Dee 25/10/2023

News is swirling around the blogs, Facebook pages and other news sources that MATE is on the verge of bankruptcy. It’s not long ago that its U.K. arm was put into receivership which was of no surprise except to MATE owners. 

Here’s the thing. There’s absolutely nothing proprietary about these bikes, nothing whatsoever. You can buy virtually every single part of these bikes from AliExpress … in fact, like the Engwe Engine Pro, X, EP2-Pro etc, you can buy better replacement parts across the board. 

Let’s be honest … you could build this bike with better parts for two thirds of the price of what MATE was price pointing their bikes for. 

“Yeah, but you said this isn’t a bad thing?”

I did and here’s why. 

These companies are going to rise and fall over time, new designs, new technologies but one thing is going to remain a constant. The batteries they’re built around will be generic, the motors will still probably be Bafang or some similar generic motor, cheap Shimano gear sets will still be used, bottom brackets will be standard, controllers and displays will be  generic as are goose stems, suspension and tyres. 

“But what if I damage my frame?”

So what? Buy a new frame. Use your existing parts in a better frame, go from cafe racer to foldable, full suspension to fixed frame … the choice is yours. 

This boys and girls is why this isn’t a bad thing, a vacuum forces innovation and within that, well, the skys the limit. 

Why are e-bikers confused for this?

By Gee Dee 17/10/2023

So, today I saw a couple of youngsters out on what I think was a Talaria Sting in really, really bad condition. I saw them riding down the road opposite and saw that when they banked the pavement near a local shop they struggled stopping, but stop they did. 

So, I turned around and caught up with them at the shop. (I was out and about on my Engwe Engine X.)

When I asked the passenger if it was 2000 watts … he replied “It’s not mine mate”. Think he thought I was the police. Once I convinced him I wasn’t and I was just interested in the bike and what I was capable of because I’m interested in buying a street legal SuRRon, it all came out. 

When the rider came out of the shop he told me it was 8000 watts, the motor on the back looked like a dustbin lid it was that big. The passenger looked about 15 and rider looked about 18. 

“How fast is it then?” I asked. 

“Well, I’ve had 80 out of it” replied the rider. “Really? It’s that quick?”

”Oh yeah, no brakes though, they’re shot” he told me. “Don’t you worry about the police catching you?” He laughed it off with “They tried, they can’t catch me, last time I just went into the park and lost ‘em”.

“The other time I just rode on the opposite side of the road into oncoming traffic and they stopped following me”. 

… and off they went, no helmets, no protective gear, not giving a fuck in the world, but most importantly, no brakes. 

See, as much as we’d like to have 750w motors, top speeds of 22 mile per hour, we won’t get it because the government see’s us as them, with that mentality, in my view it would be easier for me to get a high power SuRRon and a balaclava simply because, well, the police won’t be able to catch me. 

Stuff I'm up to ... 

Finally Got Around to doing a YouTube Ident for the YouTube Channel

Seems like everything's a learning curve nowadays. That said i'm lucky that most video editing software is quite intuitive. It probably helps that I use Photoshop for a living. Anyway, my result is below ... what do you think?

Engwe Engine Pro

Engwe Engine Pro

My favourite and probably Engwe's best value bike. 750w motor, foldable and comes with lots of upgraded parts as standard.

Fast, Fun and Foldable it has a 23amp controller that can be upgraded to an even higher ampage.

Highly Modable ... check my mods out by clicking the image above to access the technical specs page.

Engwe Engine X

My second favourite Engwe E-Bike. It has a 20amp controller which is 3 amps less than the Pro, 13ah battery, monochrome display and mechanical brakes out of the box.

That said, It feels light, the frame's been upgraded and it's highly upgradable. 

Highly Modable ... check my mods out by clicking the image above to access the technical specs page.

Engwe M20

My other second favourite Engwe E-Bike. The M20 can be bought with dual batteries or a single 13ah battery and 20amp controller.

Its cafe racer styling and front headlights make it a stand out in the crowd E-Bike.

Highly Modable ... check my mods out by clicking the image above to access the technical specs page.

Engwe EP-2 Pro

No rear suspension version of the Engwe Engine X ... it shares quite a lot of the X's parts.

Some riders prefer the lack of rear suspension that has had some issues on the other bikes, but Engwe seem to have resolved this on newer bikes. 

A highly modable bike out of the box.

Engwe L20

Engwe's affordable Cargo E-bike.

Engwe X26

Engwe's foldable XL triple suspension E-bike.

Engwe X24

Engwe's foldable Large triple suspension E-bike.

Engwe X20

Engwe's medium sized foldable, triple suspension E-bike.

Finished projects